Monday, August 27, 2012

Wedding at Moorpark.

Location, at Home, CA

I have really been remiss in posting to this blog.

I re-read the last post and need to bring a few points from it up-to-date.

We are still getting beans and zucchini from the garden. Not a lot of each but enough for us. The tomatoes are now getting ripe so we will have those for some time to come. We are still getting a few oranges from our naval orange tree although it is about done. Lots of lemons on the small tree in our side yard.

Clyda’s sister Candi left for home yesterday. She was here for our nephews wedding which was Friday night. It was held in a beautiful garden in Moorpark, CA. The weather was perfect. I thought we might need light jackets as the sun went down but we managed without them.
Table settings

It was a beautiful wedding with nine bridesmaids. I did say nine didn’t I.

Clyda, Candi and I drove to New Berry Park and brought the babies to the wedding along with their dad, Steve and the baby sitter. We dressed them at the wedding site in their wedding cloths. A tulle dress for Stella and a suit and vest with tie for Braedon. Chelsea walked them down the aisle in a red decorated wagon. She was afraid to let them walk by themselves as there is a water pond next to the wedding site and they might have just headed for it instead. The baby sitter then took them home as Chelsea was shooting the wedding pictures.

Braedon and Stella hydtating prior to the ceremony.

Monday, August 6, 2012

This and that.

Location, at Home, CA

Our trip to the Bay area was great. Always nice to spend time with friends. In total we traveled 860 miles round trip.

I did get the bottom back on the RV and sealed up all the places where mice might get in. Time will tell if that is successful. The next big job is to clean the rubber roof. I started that today by washing the edges from a ladder. It really is too hot to do the roof right now. I should wait for a foggy morning.

We of course have been watching the Olympics every day and night until 11:30 or so. It becomes addictive.

Last night I also watched the Mars landing on my Netbook while watching the Olympics. What a great achievement! There should be some spectacular pictures coming.

I am still picking zucchini and pole beans although I think they are coming to an end.

I dug up one row of boysenberries this week. So now I am down to one row of berries. It should still be enough for us.

Clyda’s sister Candi is coming to visit on Wednesday. She will stay for 2 weeks. We have a nephew getting married while she is here so will attend that wedding in a few weeks.