While in Houston last month I had mentioned that we did some
Geo-caching in cemeteries, one of which was the Glenwood Cemetery
where Howard Hughes is buried. He is in a plot along with his mother
and father. The plot is well fenced but I managed to get a photo or
Gardening has been the continuing project for the last month. That
and Clyda’s recovery from her ankle replacement. More on that
I am over run with vegetables from the garden. I am getting salad
cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, pole beans, peas, yellow squash,
zucchini, and beets. To come yet are tomatoes, and carrots. Because
of the abundance, I give away as much as people will take and I give
recipes with the harvest as well.
However, I have a few things I have kept for myself. For instance, I am getting pickling cucumbers so I have made open jar pickles which I then put in quart jars and keep in the refrigerator. I do the same with the beets I pickle. I will also make some pickled beans called “Dilly Beans” as soon as the bean crop increases. I have been picking peas but so has some critter as I find empty bean pods in the garden. I still get enough for us.
However, I have a few things I have kept for myself. For instance, I am getting pickling cucumbers so I have made open jar pickles which I then put in quart jars and keep in the refrigerator. I do the same with the beets I pickle. I will also make some pickled beans called “Dilly Beans” as soon as the bean crop increases. I have been picking peas but so has some critter as I find empty bean pods in the garden. I still get enough for us.
I also took an empty pickled beet jar and am pickling a few hard
boiled eggs in the leftover beet juice. They always look so nice
when you slice them.
My salad cucumbers took a hit from the dog yesterday as she was
chasing a lizard among the vines. I am afraid I may need to pull up
those vines. Not to fear though, my neighbor planted what was marked
as 11 watermelon plants from the nursery but turned out to be
cucumbers. I think he will have enough for all of us. I also get
Romaine lettuce from him so I haven’t bought lettuce in some time.
I make cucumber salad with vinegar and have that with my lunch. It
reminds me of my youth back on the farm when salad meant vinegar
cucumbers or cucumbers in sour cream. We also had lots of cucs back
on the farm. It was our main salad during the summer.
I am finding lots of new, good looking recipes on-line to use up this
abundant crop.
Clyda has been doing well in her rehab but has yet to put any weight
on her foot. She gets around using a knee scooter and has ventured
outside to the patios. Today she even went to her knitting group for
a few hours. Having had a knee replacement causes it to be painful to
spend much time on that scooter however. She started out with a
partial cast for 2 weeks then had a hard cast for two weeks and now
just a nylon boot which she can remove for showering, etc. She finds
it much better than the hard cast as it can be off for part of the
day if she isn’t moving around.
Our life revolves around her rehab and the garden as you can see.