Judy and Art took us for a drive today to Mosinee then west to Stratford and south toward Marshfield to Foxfire, a Hosta Garden. It is private property open to the public each day for viewing. Hosta’s are shade loving plants with variegated leaves
and come in unlimited varieties with unusual names.
The garden has pathways which meander throughout the seven acres and around 2 ponds. Plants are propagated for replanting and for sale. It really is a very nice place.
We then drove to Culvers in Marshfield for lunch followed by “turtles and concrete mixers” made with custard. Yummy!!!!!
We drove back to the area of Foxfire and stopped at “Jurustic Park,” a unique private residence where anything made of steel, especially old farm implements, are transformed into plants and animals. Each creation has a story of its own as told by its creator, a very colorful individual. There are also signs to explain what each item is.
All creations are for sale but for a price. Judy thought the prices had doubled since last year.
The "artist" explaining one of his creations to Judy and Art. He has a story for each one.
Spare parts waiting to be used. Notice the frog on the left playing the piano. The artist has a "thing" for frogs and they are featured throughout the property.
Sprocket chain waiting to be used.
My "Iron Maiden" girl friend.
This is really a fun place to visit and we were allowed to wander all around the property. There are piles of parts waiting to be used which include link chains, cow drinking cups, propane and welding bottles, shovels, tanks, etc. The large bell shaped “pots” came from a rock crushing mill and have a nice ring when hit with a wooden maul.
This is “must visit” place if you are in the area.