Last minute shopping this morning for things we need and things we don’t really need but would be nice. I’ve mentioned it before, how nice the shopping is here in Copperfield, actually, Northwest Houston.
I have been working on the food assignments for our upcoming desert trip in late October. I have it down to a science by now but there usually is a wrench in the works at the last minute. Today was no exception. I no more than sent out the preliminary assignments than someone had a change of schedule. I will need to take a longer look at the changes that causes before I resend the information.
Tonight was soccer practice for Matthew and Brownies for Ivy so the ladies went to the Brownie meeting and the guys went to soccer practice. After practice, we stopped to eat. Matthew decided to order a large piece of chocolate cake for dessert which was too large for him to finish so he brought most of it home. Of course, Grandpa had to have a few bites.
Tomorrow is the big 9th birthday for Matthew. He also has a soccer game in the afternoon. It will be a busy day I am sure. We will celebrate his birthday on Sunday afternoon.