After a frustrating 2 weeks on Plamosa Road North of Quartzsite, AZ with no internet service, we have moved East 25 miles to our friends Jack and Judy’s property South of Bouse, AZ.
To recap the last 2 weeks: I have posted entries for Jan 16th and 17th and this entry will be a catchall for everything else. There was no internet café in Quartzsite this year. The only public internet access was at the public library which had 6 computers and WiFi access. Needless to say, they were swamped with users and we found it impossible to get a connection so didn’t even try to post anything after that experience.
Quartzsite is a mere shadow of its former self. Oh, there are still plenty of vendors and shoppers but the changes made by the city council as to vendor sites, buildings vs tents, etc, have changed the way people do business here. It seemed to me that most people came just before the big RV tent show opened last Saturday and left on Monday after the tent closed. Quartzsite has become a one-week wonder.
I arrived on Sunday Jan 13th. Budd and Brenda came from camping along the Colorado River on Friday afternoon t he 18th. Don and Bev brought Clyda and were in camp by late Friday afternoon. Dick came Saturday as did our friends Cindy and Gary who flew in from the Bay Area and spent the weekend with us. Charlie, our friend from Pioche, NV came on Sunday.
Clyda went home on Monday with Don and Bev as Craig had a major Doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and she wanted to make sure he didn’t miss it. She came back on Wednesday with Paul and Sandy. Larry and Margot also came on Wednesday. Charlie left on Thursday, Budd and Brenda left on Sunday and the rest of us left Tuesday except for Larry and Margot who had a complete solar system installed and wanted to stay in the area and test it before going home. It was a really impressive installation done by Discount Solar in Quartzsite.
We had rain twice while camped on Plamosa road. The last rain on Sunday was quit substantial for the desert and we guessed it to be about 1 ½ to 2 inches. Some of the washes ran a foot or so deep with water. An inch of rain here in the desert is quit a sight. It doesn’t sink in to the ground but stays on the surface and looks like a lake until the rain quits.
On Sunday the 19th we went to “The Desert Bar” which is North of Parker, AZ and 5 miles down a dirt road. It is only open on weekends during daylight hours and is entirely operated by solar power. There is a band with quite good music which the mostly older crowd likes, a bar, “The Nellie E. Saloon” which serves your favorite libations, and a small food service area with hamburgers and hot dogs. As the sigh said on Sunday, “NO CHEESE” so you get a naked hamburger.
Most of the pictures I took had people in them and I will refrain from posting those. The one here is of the sun shades with the church steeple in the background. As the owner said, “ Every old Western town had at least a church and a saloon”.
We went to town every day to shop and eat. Mostly eat I think. We ate Indian Tacos at our favorite place, bought home made apple pies at Grandma’s Pies, ate ice cream at several stands, and had lunch a couple times at “Bad Boys” café. We toured the big RV Tent Show, which has a lot of STUFF no RV’er would ever use. Who needs a set of waterless cookware, or a “As seen on TV” food chopper. And why did every other booth sell “Genuine Egyptian Cotton Sheets”? It looked like they filled the booth with whatever vendor showed up. Of course, we still bought enough STUFF.
It has been quit cold most nights. Last night it was 32 degrees. It really makes the propane heater run full time. I have gone through 2 bottles of propane since I got here. Those are 7 ½ gallon bottles. Most days have been sunny and are pleasant if you are out of the wind.
Here are some photos taken over the past 2 weeks.
Sunset over Plamosa Road.
Lunch at Bad Boys Cafe.
Desert Bar.
Cocktails around the fire with Clyda and Sandy.