I don’t know when this will get posted as I have not found an internet café here in Quartzsite yet. Truthfully I only did a quick pass through town so I will look more today.
To back up a bit, I did leave home on Sunday morning the 13th. I pulled out at 6 AM with the hope I would beat the traffic through Los Angeles. After a stop in Fillmore for breakfast, I took the 210 freeway which had light traffic. Before I got to Pasadena I heard a loud bang as if a piece of wood had hit the trailer. I managed to pull over and got out to check the tires, etc, but could see nothing so I drove on. Several miles later someone was blowing their horn at me and pointing at the trailer so I pulled over and saw that one of the curb side trailer tires had blown. I managed to get the trailer further off the road and proceeded to change the tire. The new heavy duty jack I had purchased in Wisconsin this summer did a quick job of lifting the axel so I could remove the tire.
Within a half hour or so, I was back on the road hoping the spare would get me the rest of the way to Quartzsite. I made two more stops, one to check the tires and one to put in 10 gallons of diesel which I was carrying with me. It beats looking for a station to fill up while pulling the trailer. Access too many stations is very iffy when you are pulling a 32 foot trailer.
I arrived at Plamosa Road North of Quartzsite in the BLM area about 2 PM California time. I pulled into the same site we have been using for the last several years complete with the same fire ring plus someone had left a little wood for me. Cool! It was windy so I didn’t do much of a setup today.
Trailer at Plamosa Road.
On Monday morning I finished putting down the jacks, putting out the rugs, unloading some of the wood, etc. In the afternoon I drove to Bouse to see the Hickey’s at their property. I had a nice visit.
Jack picked me up on Tuesday and we went to Quartzsite to see what was going on. Vendors are still arriving but some areas are still very empty. I bought a heavy duty cable to lock up my generators but still need to find a heavy lock.
We had a pork sandwich for lunch at Prospectors Panorama which was very good. Jack dropped me off at Plamosa Road and I had time for a shower before I drove back to their place for cocktail hour in honor of Jacks birthday. All of our old friends from Desert Gold RV Park were there and it was good to see everyone. Jack and Judy fed me a great meatloaf dinner before I came back.