Super Bowl Sunday!! Big Deal!!! Well, maybe not such a big deal for us as we have no TV reception so have missed all the hype. We will watch the game later and have hot dogs and chili.
Friday morning Jack, Bill, and I trailered the ATV’s several miles down the road and intended to head towards Cottonwood Pass east of Bouse but a large group of people drove past us headed in the same direction so we decided on another destination. We wandered along creek bottoms exploring as we went. We did check out a few mines, had to backtrack once when the road ended, and saw three bighorn sheep. The sheep were not too interested in us and continued to graze up a ridge. We watched them for about 45 minutes before pushing on.
It was a great day for a ride. No wind and mild temperatures. The Ocotillo are getting new leaves after the last rains and there is grass and flowers growing in spots. It should be a beautiful, flowery, spring in the desert.
I look like I know what I am doing, don't I?
Bill's new ride.
Do you think they mean it?
Bill unloading his ATV.
Jack on the trailer.
On Saturday we went to Blythe with Jack and Judy. We had breakfast at Maria’s, a really great Mexican restaurant. We shopped at K-Mart, Smart and Final, and Albertsons before returning to Bouse. Later we went to Desert Gold RV Park for cocktail hour with Bill and Linda, old friends from our Desert Gold days.
Jack and Judy joined us for beef stew that Clyda had fixed in the crock-pot for our dinner.