This will be a short post to bring everyone up to date. On Thursday we had our taxes prepared. I was actually expecting that we would need to pay this year but in fact we will receive a small refund. Yippee!!
I am still digging roots in the planter bed and as of Friday when I quit I had the longest section done. So far I have filled 3 garbage cans with roots. The section that remains may be the worst to dig because of a guava tree in the neighbor’s yard. Those roots come through the planter bed and into my lawn.
Here is a photo of the completed bed with all the nice loose dirt piled up.
Today I worked on other projects around the yard, mostly cleaning up. I did manage to setup my cutoff saw and cut all the limbs I had accumulated into fire wood lengths. These will need to dry for some time before they can be used. I will probably burn them for campfires when we go camping.
Of course this is “March Madness” time so I catch a basketball game now and than on TV. Our local college women’s team won the conference championship today so they will play in the NCAA tournament. The men’s team lost yesterday so they are out until next year. There have been some really good games.