I haven’t updated this blog for almost 2 weeks. Where to start. I spent the last 10 days working for Rancheros Visitadores checking people in at the infamous “Blue Gate”.
The days were very long and even with a good night’s sleep last night I am still very tired and feel the need of a nap. Here are some photos from our vantage spot at the gate.
Here is the wood pile of stuff I brought from home to burn. Chief among this was the very large guava tree root we dug up last week.
I finished packing everything by 10 AM Friday. The boss delivered our checks at 10:30 and shortly after that I was on my way. The plan is to park the trailer at Lake Cachuma RV Park for 2 days and camp with friends. I will drive home with all the equipment I took to Visitadores, do laundry and pick up Clyda and what we need for a week of camping in Yosemite with friends. We will leave Cachuma on Sunday and travel to Nipomo and leave from there on Monday morning for Fish Camp South of Yosemite.
This is a short report but does fill in the essentials of what has been happening.