On Thursday I set all the remaining post and cemented them in. Then I set the forms for the curbing under the fence. Between Paul and I there were enough old form boards to complete the job. This was all done during the heat of the day with high humidity. By Thursday night I was pooped.
Checking the posts for level.
Posts in and forms ready for cement.
Friday morning I picked up more bags of cement and Paul brought out his cement mixer which really made the job of pouring the curbing go fast. We can mix 2 of the 60 pound bags at once so the job was quickly done.
Mixing cement.
Filling the forms.
Later I bought 15 pressure treated 2x4’s each 8 feet long which will be the stringers for holding the boards to complete the fence.
Last night we were invited to dinner with Clyda’s cousin Bea and her husband Jack who were dog sitting for their youngest daughter Sally at Sally’s house. It was a very enjoyable evening and we didn’t get home until midnight. Consequently, I slept in this morning.
Paul came over this morning and I asked him to help me put up the 2x4 stringers today. After deciding which spacing to use, based on our other common fence, we quickly put up most of the stringers. I used his hammer drill which really drives the 3 ¾ inch screws in easily. Love that drill!!!!.....After lunch we finished the last 2 sections which required a little thinking as they are along a wall for the neighbors flower bed.
Setting the lower stringers.
Stringers all in.
I cleaned up the tools and cutoff pieces of boards and now am ready to start putting up the fence boards. Maybe I will wait until Monday.