Today was “plant buying day”. We made our decision on what kind of plants and how many we wanted in the front flower bed.
Off to the nursery where Clyda decided she wanted “creeping rosemary” for the first 3 plants nearest the street and the remaining will be “Blue Tuscan” rosemary which will provide a hedge between the yards. I will keep it trimmed to about 3 feet in height. We already have a small “Blue Tuscan” hedge in the front yard which has been there since 1996. I trim it every year and use lots of the new growth for cooking. It is wonderful in a BBQ’ed turkey as it makes great tasting gravy.
The remaining plants will be “Grey French Lavender”. The grey of the plant makes a nice contrast against the green of the rosemary behind it.
I dug small holes where the plants will go so I could soak the holes with water. The ground was all dug up last summer when we removed the old junipers but has really compacted over the winter. I bought 3 bags of Amend soil conditioner to add to what compost I have. I will use this around the plants when I put them in the ground.
I need to put in drip irrigation also and then cover the whole bed with a big layer of mulch. Lots of work to do yet.
I need some before and after pictures for the blog. Never can have too many pictures!
I do have a couple pictures I took yesterday of the asparagus I picked. Each is about a handful. I get about 2 handfuls every other day.
Two handfuls just picked.
The same, but cleaned and wrapped in a damp paper towel ready for the frig.