Happy 4th of July. Today I attended a TEA party. TEA as in Taxed Enough Already. Most of these parties were held on April 15th but the local group decided to do one today also. It was held in Bellingham, WA and organized in a vacant store lot. Flags were provided as well as signs already made up or poster board to make your own signs. There was a copy of the US Constitution to sign.
Posters ready to be picked up.
Signing the Constitution.
As people got their flags and signs, they moved down to the Guide Meridian which is the main route from I-5 to the Canadian border. Hence, lots of traffic. People lined both signs of the street waving flags and signs. Cars honked and displayed their flags as they drove by. It is hard to judge the crowd size as they were spread out, but 1500 to 2000 would be in the ball park. A nice turn out for the 4th of July.
Looking down the street at the crowd.
We will finish the day off with hamburgers and then drive to Birch Bay on the coast to watch the fireworks tonight. All in all, a nice patriotic 4th of July.