The temperature overnight was a low of 41 but it warmed up niceley during the day to the high 70's. A beautiful day.
We didn’t rush out of camp as usual this morning but eventually some of us decided to visit Rhyolite via the old railroad bed from Beatty.
This took us right to the Rhyolite train depot.
Eventually we moved down to the Bottle House which was rebuilt and stabilized a few years ago. It is a shame that had to be done but the walls were crumbling and the building would have collapsed without the rehab.
A section of a wall on the bottle house.
We then checked out the artwork nearby. Each piece has a story which a local volunteer passed along to us.
The last supper.
Originally designated as Eve with a statue Adam to be placed later. Locals objected and Adam was never completed. Each block of Eve represents a pixel in a photo.
We stopped at the museum in Beatty which is very good and then drove back to the RV Park for lunch.
After lunch we stopped at the Chamber of Commerce building before driving down Hwy 95to Caraera where marble was mined. The marble was of poor quality and not commercially viable.
We checked out a local mine which also gave us a great view of the valley.
Back at the RV Park I started getting things ready to leave tomorrow morning. Everyone else will drive to Death Valley while I will drop the trailer at Death Valley Junction and go to Pahrump, NV for groceries before picking up the trailer and proceeding to Death Valley.
There is limited WiFi in Death Valley so I don’t know if I can post to the blog while there or not. Time will tell.