Location, Home, CA
Cruise post for Cabo San Lucas:
We left Acapulco at 5 PM on Monday May 10th with another sea day tomorrow to look forward to.
We also had all signed up for another wine tasting. This one however, was all premium wines with canapés selected for each wine. It was a great event with some memorable wines to taste concluding with a taste of Opus One, a joint venture between Robert Mondavi and Baroness Philippine de Rothschild. Each bottle in a restaurant sells for more than $300. Aboard Island Princess a bottle sold for $169. It was a treat to taste this wine.
Thomas and Debbie at the wine tasting.
After a day at sea we arrived in Cabo San Lucas on Wednesday May 12th at 7 AM.
Early morning sunrise as we approach Cabo San Lucas.
We had to anchor out in the bay and tender into the dock.
There is always a Senor Frogs at the docks.
A view of the small harbor.
Just follow the signs to get back to the ship.
Again, we did not have a shore tour scheduled so once again we just walked off the ship and toured on our own. We did check out some shops a block from the docks including this Dairy Queen, my favorite place on the road.While strolling along the sea front we noticed a harbor side bar selling Corona beer at $10 for a bucket of 5 so planned to make that a stop on the way back to the ship. No Corona sold on board the Island Princess.
We left Cabo at 2 PM. The beach between throcks is called "Honeymoon Beach". The water on this side is the Gulf of California and is warm while 100 yards on the other side is the Pacific Ocean and the water is much colder and the wind blows.
The famous Cabo Arch as seen from our balcony.
Another day at sea tomorrow, our final day before arriving in Los Angeles.