Saturday, August 20, 2011

Driving across Montana

Location, Glendive, MT

Yesterday’s drive was from Great Falls to Bozeman, MT.

I had planned to camp on the east side of town but the campground was full so we had to go to the KOA west of town. Of course, it cost a fortune, but in retrospect, it saved us a good 20 mile trip to see our friends who live within 5 minutes of the KOA.

We talked for several hours on the patio then went out for dinner at a very good Italian restaurant. After dinner we got the tour of Bozeman which is a very nice town. There has been a lot of building since we were there several years ago.

Our plans have changed. We now are driving east on I-94 headed for Wisconsin. My mother is not doing well so we decided we need to interrupt our trip and go to Wisconsin.

We are stopped for the night in Glendive, MT which is near the North Dakota border. Today was a long day of driving, all of it along the Yellowstone River which grows in size as smaller rivers join it.

We are through the mountains and in the high plains now. There is lots of wheat which is being harvested now as well as occasional fields of corn.

It will take us 3 more days of driving but not at today’s pace to get there.