Sunday, May 17, 2020

And life goes on.

My time for the last few weeks has been spent in the garden, working on the “forever puzzle” and getting a flagpole base ready in front of the house.

As far as the garden goes, I planted peas and pole beans this week from sets I started a few weeks ago. This week the “birdhouse” gourd sets will go in the ground. I don’t know if it will be warm enough here for them to mature but will see. The seeds came from a friend and all that I started germinated.

Craig had a friend give him a tomato plant which I put in a 5 gallon wicking tub. It is an heirloom “Black Krim” tomato. I hope it puts out fruit. The inside is black when ripe.

I haven’t had as much luck with my “pickle” cucumber seeds from last year although 3 of the 4 did sprout. I may start a few more seeds to prolong the season.

I also started a few different lettuce seeds of which about half sprouted. That will extend the season for lettuce.

In the raised garden bed I started beets, cilantro, and dill. All of those are sprouted.

Yesterday I bought a few marigold plants to put around the garden to deter pests. I wish they deterred gophers as well. So far I have caught 2 in the trap. They can really do some damage. My raised bed has hardware cloth under it so I am not too worried about gophers getting into it.
Lettuce ready to pick this week.
Tomatoes starting to blossom.
Zucchini really growing fast.

The flagpole project is ongoing as I need to pick up some bags of cement for the base. The flagpole was a”freebie” from a friend. It is an aluminum pole about 20 feet tall and comes in sections. We decided to put it in the flower bed in front of the house as it is the only visible place the flag would be seen from the street.

The puzzle actually has some progress this week. It is down to the really hard stuff now as most of it is black pieces. One at a time!