Thursday, May 31, 2007
Loooong weekend is over
We are home after a long weekend in the Bay Area. We used Tuesday as a rest day. Our host took the day off from work and the ladies went to a movie while I read and played on the computer.
On Wednesday we were in no hurry to leave so stopped for a nice breakfast at a nearby Black Bear Diner. These folks know how to load up a plate to make you say Wow!!! It is a really down home kind of place to eat. We arrived in Paso Robles in mid afternoon in time to meet the Amtrak train at the station and pick up our friend from Portland who was coming to Paso to visit. An afternoon of conversation and we were ready to eat having missed lunch after that big breakfast. The choice was the local Chinese buffet which puts out a lot of good food. Then it was time to say good bye as we will see all of these folks in the fall. We arrived home around 9:30 PM.
Today was a catch-up day with various things that needed taking care of. I made camping reservations for Lynden, WA for 3 weeks in July while we visit the wife’s sister and family. I also worked on more of our planned route from Wisconsin to Houston, TX. I had a, what I hope, is a minor problem with the laptop when I turned it on this morning. I got a blue screen and a warning about a bad driver. I finally tracked it down to the external WiFi card. After reloading the software and rebooting the router, it all seems to work fine. At least let’s hope it is fine.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Lasy Tuesday
Yesterday was a great Memorial Day! Everyone slept in this morning. After a late breakfast, the ladies went shopping and the men did also to pick up a few Memorial Day bargains. Today’s weather was warm with temps around 90 degrees by mid afternoon so laying around the pool was the plan for the rest of the day.
In the late afternoon our hosts son and family came to visit and swim. They have two little girls who couldn’t wait to get in the pool. We only see these folks once a year so the girls change a lot between our visits.
Dinner was outside on the patio with an excellent BBQ chicken and salads.
The evening was relaxed with the guys checking the results of the latest NBA playoff game while the ladies chatted and then it was an early bedtime for all.
Tuesday again started as a lazy day. The ladies went to an early movie while I caught up on internet stuff including this blog. The weather is nice but the wind returned which made for a nice day of afternoon reading in the atrium. I should mention that this house is an Eichler design (Google Eichler for more info) which has an interior atrium. Originally all atriums were open to the sky; however this one has been glassed in. It makes a perfect semi exterior room in the middle of the house.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Weekend
The best laid plans sometimes go astray. I did plan to update the blog yesterday but ran out of time. On Friday, we drove to the Bay Area with several stops along the way as we were in no hurry. The traffic was surprisingly light for the start of the holiday weekend. We spent the evening catching up on family, friends and gossip.
Saturday was shopping for the ladies while the guys made the obligatory trip to Fry’s Electronics for gadget shopping. My list was not long but I find that Fry’s has the best prices and selection for those little things that make computing fun and convenient. The afternoon was spent around the pool and spa. It was just a nice relaxing time.
Sunday was a planned trip to Angel Island in San Francisco Bay by ferry from Oakland. It was a nice easy trip but the weather was overcast and windy. Lots of people were on the Island with every ferry bringing more. Many were bringing picnic lunches and soon all the picnics sites were full. There were even some campers planning to spend the night in the few camp sites on the island.
We walked to the West end of the island to see the old West Garrison Army barracks and take in the views of San Francisco across the water. There were many sail boats out as the wind was good for sailing. We also hiked to China Cove where the old immigrant processing station was located. It was closed for repairs but looks like it will be a good place to visit in the future
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Off for the weekend
Well, my to-do list is getting shorter! Today after having breakfast with two friends, one of who is leaving Saturday to spend the summer in Colorado, I finished trimming some bushes in the back yard and some trees that hang way over my back fence. Then it was time to get out the chipper/shredder and put it to use. I decided that the chipper blade needed to be sharpened before I started. It is not an easy job to get at the bolts holding the chipper blade. With one hand on the inside of the machine and one outside and a wrench in each hand, my arms are just long enough to do the job.
Shredding under the best of conditions is a dirty job especially if the material is dry. It gets beat to a fine dusty powder by the flails and further reduced by the screen through which all material passes. Thankfully, it is done for at least 6 months.
On another note, we are leaving for the San Francisco Bay area for the long Memorial Day weekend to visit friends. These special friends at one time lived on our street.
I plan to take the laptop with me and update this blog while gone. No promises however on how often I will update.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Last basket class for the summer
Today was the last basket class until the fall. It was also a going away party for one of the elderly ladies who has been a mainstay of the class for years. Because it is the last class, everyone brings food to share. I skipped lunch because of all the sampling I did.
I have a portfolio of all the different type of baskets I have made but found out that a few of the latest ones completed were not in it. I spent some time updating that this afternoon.
I printed out all of the checklists I use before a trip and tried to guess what all we must take with us this summer. It is hard to come up with all of the possible scenarios we may run into but the checklists help.
The boysenberries have been slow to ripen as the cool weather slows them down. I did get a small handful this afternoon.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Unknowen plant?
All the bushes, hedges, plants and small palm trees in the front yard are now pruned. Cutting the hedge and rosemary gives it a Christmasy smell. (Is that a word?)
The pile of brush, limbs, and trimmings in the back yard is HUGE. I need to spend a day shredding all of it for compost.
I walk every morning as soon as I get up. If I don’t leave as soon as I get up I can find a hundred reason not to do it later. A long walk is a good time to let your mind wander. Usually mine settles on a subject and I can make the scenario last for the full walk, whether it is planning a future trip or some other subject. It really makes the time pass. Some people do this while setting in their easy chair while others do it while driving (I don’t recommend that!)!
This plant is on our back patio and has been blooming for some time. I have no idea what it is but possibly it could be a bromalaid. I searched the internet but no luck so far. Any ideas?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Cutting into the to-do list
I spent the greater part of the day at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) today. I needed to get the titles to 3 vehicles changed. It’s a good thing the DMV is convenient to my house as it took three trips to get all the paper work correct. I just didn’t think it would take most of the day. However, it is done.
My to-do list is getting shorter as I knocked out a few more with phone calls. We are planning to drive though Canada this summer so I called my car insurance company to see if anything special was needed. They will send me a Canadian identity card to carry along showing proof of insurance.
I rescheduled my annual treadmill for later this year. I tell the Doctor that it “keeps me honest” as far as weight and exercise go. I would hate to take one and fail. It is heck getting old but then the alternative is worse.
I started trimming bushes in the front yard. They are past blooming for now and had gotten real rangy. I will trim the hedge between us and the neighbors tomorrow.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Berry Picking
I have included a picture of the Hoop Basket I finished yesterday. It turned out quit well.
Today I picked the first boysenberries of the season. I don’t think we will get near the amount as other years based on the amount of vines and green fruit I see. Last year we got none as the season was about 3 weeks late and by the time fruit started to ripen, we were on our way to Texas.
I worked on computer stuff today trying to bring some files up to date. I also ordered my meds on-line for the next 3 months. I need to make sure I get them before we leave.
I have been trying to coordinate some travel dates with friends for our trip to Washington State. It looks like we could meet while in Lynden, WA as we will both be there after the 4th of July.
I have been entering travel dates, miles destinations, phone numbers, etc into a spreadsheet for ease of use while on the road. I use Microsoft Streets and Trips for most of my route and destination planning and then print out those sections of map or routes I am unsure of. I carry these in a binder while traveling. I also use a spreadsheet to log miles, times, fuel, etc in this same binder. Someone might say, “Why bother”? Well, I use the data for various things such as, how many miles are on the trailer or truck and this lets me know when maintenance is due. I also keep a separate maintenance log on all the vehicles. Anal maybe, but I love to work with the numbers.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Another productive day
I wanted to make a major effort on 2 of the baskets I have been working on. One I started in class last week and I wanted to finish it to show next week in class. The other one was started by someone else in the class several years ago then abandoned. The instructor gave it to me thinking I might like to finish it. I have had some real problems with it.
I had decided to finish the first one with tule as I explained in yesterday's blog. It worked well but required a lot of soaking to make it pliable. Maybe I will get a picture of it tomorrow.
I trimmed the suckers off the boysenberries this morning. It looks like I may need to pick a few ripe berries tomorrow. I also noticed that the apricot tree has few fruit again this year. I think I should cut it down and plant something else in that spot. The tree is about 35 years old. The Santa Rosa plum tree has some fruit but not as good as some years. However, the Satsuma plum makes up for it. It is really loaded. Of course, any good wind will drop a lot of that fruit.
Also working on the summer trip plan.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Marking time
As the title suggests, I feel like I am marking time until we leave next month. From reading several blogs on I know others have felt this way also. The best description is to call it "Hitch Itch" I guess.
After my morning walk and breakfast; I vacuumed the kitchen floor and cleaned under the refrigerator before Clyda got back from water aerobics. When we redid the kitchen we installed a bamboo laminate floor, which we love for the look, but it shows every little piece of dirt. While Clyda prepared lunch for her friends, I went to do some banking and grocery shopping and other errands. I was looking for 2-6 foot pieces of 1 inch angle aluminum and stainless steel lag bolts so I could make a frame to add another solar panel to the trailer. I have one 125 watt solar panel but still have the 50 and 35 watt off the old Lance trailer. When I traded trailers the dealer told me to take my solar panels off. I was only too glad to do it.
After lunch I worked on two of my unfinished baskets. One has a few problems and I needed to remove several rows of weaving I had done earlier. The biggest problem with basket making is the preparation of materials. For the one basket, I am soaking some tule reed which has been hanging in my garage for several years. It is brittle when dry so can’t be bent. I start by soaking it in a towel in the bathtub. It may be tomorrow before it is soaked enough to work with. I love working with tule as it has a silky feeling when wet and fills in the warp or in this case ribs, remarkable fast. It is also compactable, so it makes a tight basket.
Example of Tule from an earlier basket
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Picnic in the cold
Today was the retiree’s picnic for where I used to work. It is held at a local park. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate again. It was very chilly with a slight breeze so everyone was bundled up. It didn’t however keep all those old Wisconsin people from standing around the beer keg. A one point some one thought there was a problem with the tap. I suggested that “maybe it was too many Wisconsin beer drinkers sucking the keg dry”. That didn’t even bring a chuckle as beer drinking is a serious business to those folks.
The first thing that is very evident is “how old” all those people have gotten since I retired. I haven’t aged a bit of course! Clyda and I did manage to connect with people we have know for years, either through work or though our children. I think most people know each other because of contacts through their kids.
The food was the standard California BBQ fare of beef tri-tip, chicken, salad, beans and bread with a sheet cake for dessert.
Clyda went to a late afternoon movie with a friend. I picked her up after the movie and we did some grocery shopping for the weekend. She has friends invited for lunch tomorrow (they all work) and we have 2 couples coming for dinner Saturday night.
Tomorrow I hope to work on a couple of unfinished baskets I started for this semesters classes.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Basket making
Another gloomy, cold day until late this afternoon when the sun finally decided to make a belated appearance.
Today was my Adult Education basket class. This is something I have been doing for 12 years, ever since I retired. I had not attended classes for the last 2 years as we were traveling during much of that time. This spring session is only 7 weeks long and I missed the last 2 weeks so I had some catching up to do. Fortunately, the basket they chose to make this week was one I have done previously so I did manage to catch up between class time and working here at home. We do not make baskets from kits but rather choose as many local material’s as we can. By purchasing some round and flat reed and using local materials, each basket becomes unique. The class participants also vary from beginners to people with 20 years experience. It is always a joy to see some of the finished products from some really talented people.
This is a "Hen" basket I made a few years ago.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Decision made on generators
A very cool overcast day until late this afternoon when the sun managed to cut through the haze.
Today was “finish cleaning the trailer Day”. I moved some of the remaining supplies, laundry, cloths, etc into the house and Clyda vacuumed the floor. I removed the screws holding the dinning room table to the floor in the trailer in anticipation of storing a folding dining table next to it for the trip to Lynden, WA in June. The table had belonged to Clyda’s mother and we are delivering it to her sister in Lynden along with the extra leaves (5) and several pads which make up the super long table. This table is only 20 inches deep but expands to hold 12 people for dinner.
Yesterday’s blog ended with a discussion of Honda 2000 vs 3000 generators. My neighbor has a Honda 2000 so today I put it into my storage space under the fifth wheel hitch to check for fit. Just barely, but it does fit.
The next test was to see if it would run my microwave. Again, no problem. I think that fairly well convinces me that 2 Honda 2000’s will do the job. Now to see what kind of a deal I can get over the internet.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Big wash job!
Wheeeew! Washing the trailer is a big job! I drove up to Lake Cachuma RV Park this morning and picked up the trailer. It is about 50 miles round trip from here. Traffic wasn’t too bad so the trip over the pass was not too worrisome. I parked in the street and after lunch started washing by opening the awning and giving it a good scrub. By the time I was done it was 3 PM. I parked the rig beside the house and emptied the refrigerator. That is enough for today.
I have been researching Honda generators on-line. I had two Honda EU1000i units but one of them stopped working. The local Honda service center found a bad stator. The service charge plus the new part would have cost as much as a new generator so I sold it to the mechanic to use as parts for the cost of the service charge.
I thought I would like to get a Honda EU3000i but after looking at some web sites, I think 2-EU2000i units might work better for me. The EU3000i weighs 145 lbs fully fueled which is too heavy to normally lift. Also, it would need to be mounted in the back of my pickup which means I would need to use an extension on my electrical cord to reach the truck from the back of the trailer. The EU2000i units are easy to lift and carry.
At present, I stored the EU1000i units in my sealed generator box under the fifth wheel hitch. I believe the EU2000i’s would fit there also. It looks like a no brainer for two EU2000i.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
I drove over the mountain to Lake Cachuma late this morning and picked up Clyda and her friends at the campground for a Mother’s Day brunch at Santa Ynez. Her friend Becky had made the reservations for 12:30 PM. It worked out perfectly. We had brunch on the outside patio of the restaurant. The weather was very nice and all of the flowers were in bloom. It was a very nice day. Later I dropped them off at the campground and drove home.
Tomorrow morning I will drive back up with the truck and bring the trailer home. I plan to park it in the street and wash it before I back it into the yard. That will be the last wash before we leave in June.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Back to normal
I am back from gate guard duty at Rancheros Vistadores. The 10 days went well with cool nights and warm days including one day of near 100 degree temperatures. It was very pleasant under the oak trees for most of the day. However, the temperatures inside the trailers would reach the high 90’s which made it unbearable during the middle of the day. We like to have 1 person not on duty for part of the day but the high temps made it hard to get any rest during that time. I usually got up at 6:30 AM and started breakfast soon after that. My days ended between 9 and 11 PM. There is one man who does the night shift from 11 PM to 7 AM.
Our routine was to have one of us check credentials as each vehicle came through our gate. Some are invited guests who have passes while most are members or workers who also have badges. We do get the usual number who have no passes or invitations. These we check for on our master list or lists and if still not found then we call them in on a land line to the communications center. Most are easily resolved in a few minutes. We have a good crew who work well together. Three of us have worked the gate together for the last eight years.
We packed up and left around 11 AM Friday as most of the people had left camp by then. I drove to Lake Cachuma campground and parked the trailer in one of the RV park campsites. Clyda and a friend came in while I was registering and another friend with a motor home came in while I was setting up the trailer. They will stay until Monday morning when I will go back up to get the trailer. They have been doing a “girls weekend camping trip” for several years after I finish at Rancheros as the campground is on the way home.
After unloading the truck last night, I checked the mail, had an early supper then went to bed. It will take me a few days to recover.
This morning I made a bank run and then washed the truck. I still need to put a few things away and then work on trip planning for our up coming June departure.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Off to Visitadores
Wheew!! A busy day today. After my walk and breakfast I picked up the groceries I need to feed two of us at Ranchero Visitadores until we get our food allotment on Friday. After lunch I drove over the mountain to the location where we will park the trailers for 10 days and mowed the grass. The temperature was a balmy 79 degrees with a breeze. Wonderful!!! I hope it stays that way for 10 days. There were no cows in the pasture so that meant no cow pies to pick up. That’s a relief, as most years I spend an hour doing that after I get there. I took about an hour to mow everything. Because we have had little rain this year, the grass is very short so I mostly knocked the tops off.
I got back about 3:30 and then loaded the truck with ice chests, BBQ’s, propane tanks, full 5 gallon water bottles and all the other stuff I bring to make it a livable place for 10 days. The last of the fresh food from the house refrigerator is loaded so now it is just last minute things to check. I do use a check list and have had one for many years. It really helps to remind me what to take. I am a believer in check lists.
Because I will be dry camping and no question of internet service, there will be no post to this journal until May 11. I may keep a few notes and hit the high lights of the 10 days in my next blog. Besides, I will be way too busy to even think about writing. Until then.