The best laid plans sometimes go astray. I did plan to update the blog yesterday but ran out of time. On Friday, we drove to the Bay Area with several stops along the way as we were in no hurry. The traffic was surprisingly light for the start of the holiday weekend. We spent the evening catching up on family, friends and gossip.
Saturday was shopping for the ladies while the guys made the obligatory trip to Fry’s Electronics for gadget shopping. My list was not long but I find that Fry’s has the best prices and selection for those little things that make computing fun and convenient. The afternoon was spent around the pool and spa. It was just a nice relaxing time.
Sunday was a planned trip to Angel Island in San Francisco Bay by ferry from Oakland. It was a nice easy trip but the weather was overcast and windy. Lots of people were on the Island with every ferry bringing more. Many were bringing picnic lunches and soon all the picnics sites were full. There were even some campers planning to spend the night in the few camp sites on the island.
We walked to the West end of the island to see the old West Garrison Army barracks and take in the views of San Francisco across the water. There were many sail boats out as the wind was good for sailing. We also hiked to China Cove where the old immigrant processing station was located. It was closed for repairs but looks like it will be a good place to visit in the future