I have included a picture of the Hoop Basket I finished yesterday. It turned out quit well.
Today I picked the first boysenberries of the season. I don’t think we will get near the amount as other years based on the amount of vines and green fruit I see. Last year we got none as the season was about 3 weeks late and by the time fruit started to ripen, we were on our way to Texas.
I worked on computer stuff today trying to bring some files up to date. I also ordered my meds on-line for the next 3 months. I need to make sure I get them before we leave.
I have been trying to coordinate some travel dates with friends for our trip to Washington State. It looks like we could meet while in Lynden, WA as we will both be there after the 4th of July.
I have been entering travel dates, miles destinations, phone numbers, etc into a spreadsheet for ease of use while on the road. I use Microsoft Streets and Trips for most of my route and destination planning and then print out those sections of map or routes I am unsure of. I carry these in a binder while traveling. I also use a spreadsheet to log miles, times, fuel, etc in this same binder. Someone might say, “Why bother”? Well, I use the data for various things such as, how many miles are on the trailer or truck and this lets me know when maintenance is due. I also keep a separate maintenance log on all the vehicles. Anal maybe, but I love to work with the numbers.