The weather has been beautiful. We visited the Mono Lake Visitors Center which is a great interpretive center for the Mono Lake area. The ski was blue and the lake took on this deep blue color. The water level in the lake is within 6.5 feet of the mandated level established several years ago. It was a clear day which with little wind so the views across the lake were spectacular.
We found fuel in Lee Vining at $3.29 per gallon. That is much better than the other local stations at $3.55 per gallon.
We travel up Conway Summit to Bridgeport and had a picnic lunch at the city park. After lunch we visited the Bridgeport Museum and Courthouse. Both are well worth the time.
On our way home we stop for a few groceries in Lee Vining and then drove the June Lake loop before returning to the camp ground. The loop has several lakes which cater to fisherman and typical Forest Service camp grounds which only small RV’s and tents fit into.
We finished up the day with dinner, a walk, and a game of Mexican Train.