Thursday, June 7, 2007

Used Books

Location, Home in CA

Today I finally made it in to the used book store near here. They mostly feature paperbacks and the place has books stacked to the ceiling. I took in a small bag of books I had finished for credit and in return I bought a few. I always make sure that I buy more in dollar amount than they give me in credit. My theory is that I want them to stay in business and they can’t do that unless they make money.

I also trade books on-line at . Initially you must submit 13 books which anyone may order from you and for that you receive 3 credits which you can use to order books. For every book you send out after the initial group, you receive one credit. You can add as many books as you want but only receive credit when you send one. The only cost is the postage when you mail a book. With the new postal rates, it is about $2.13 for media rate. I don’t know of any used book store which sells books for that price.