Well, after a week off and a slow day yesterday, it is back to WORK. Neighbor Paul had another section of forms ready so this morning’s order of business was to pour cement for that section. About an hours worth of labor and the cement was poured. Paul finished it as it dried. I mixed a small amount of cement in a 5 gallon bucket to fill the 2 pipes I had cemented in earlier. Filling the pipes helps strengthen them and keeps water out so rust doesn’t form.
I needed bolts for the fence hardware I had purchased recently so off to the hardware store I went. Prices have sure increased in the last year so it takes more than a few dollars to buy bolts.
After lunch I set up the chop saw and figured out how to makes the cuts for the post stringers. This was all a slow process as each board needed to be cut to a different length. The fence drops in height down to 5 foot at the gate. This allows the Gas Company to read the meter by looking over the fence. Actually, they use a small monocular to read the dials.
Back of the fence showing the hardware and drop to the gate level.
Tomorrow I will start on the gate. This is always fun so stay tuned.