I don’t mind building fence but the last piece plus the gate has been frustrating, slow, and error prone. I started on the gate yesterday morning and although it was slow, it went well. By the end of the day I had the majority of the gate built and the fence boards on except for 2 near the middle which need to be cut to size. I hung the gate in place over night.
Today was finish up day but first thing this morning I made a trip to the hardware store as they had spray cans of paint on sale, two for the price of one, and I needed paint for the shelf Clyda bought at Ikea last week. I also needed a few more bolts to complete the gate. After cutting the two boards to complete the gate I worked on the last few boards to cover the metal hardware on the posts. This process took me all afternoon with much frustration, recutting, trial and error and a few cuss words. Finally it was done including the latch.
View from the inside.
What a gate!!! That should last.
View from the street side.
The result looks good and should out last me.