Where do I begin! It has been some time since I added an entry to this blog. We left home on Jan 16th and drove to Indio CA. We stayed at the Elks Club which is a first for us. We had a very nice spot with water and electric hookups. It was a perfect place for our visit as it was close to all the activities for the weekend. We attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary celebration of friends Tom and Joanne Quinn. Friday night was a reception for family and a few friends, Saturday afternoon was a celebration Mass followed by dinner. We met all the relatives who could not believe that Tom and I are related. My mother’s cousin Mary Feldbrugge was married to Frank who was Tom’s uncle. Small world.
We left Indio on Sunday after having breakfast at the Elks club and drove to Quartzsite, AZ and “boondocked” with friends south of town for four days. We visited friends Karen and Bill from Wyoming and went to lunch with them and John and Connie who all winter in Bouse.
Later in the week we moved to Plamosa road in our old BLM campsite area with Clyda’s high school friend Michelle and her camping group. We had 6 rigs parked in a circle. We also connected with an old friend George who full times in his motor home and was camping with the WINS (Wandering Individual Network) group a mile up the road from us. We saw him several times.
While camped here we visited all the Quartzsite selling areas several times and purchased several items on my list. I ordered new locks for all the RV compartments, bought 2 new LED bulbs for our reading lights, bought and installed a new solar charger to handle both of my solar panels. It is a digital controller with MPPT technology which boosts the solar panel output for better efficiency. The old analog controller was pushed to its limits by the addition of another panel.
Since we left home I have been fighting toilet problems. I finally pulled the toilet and replace the valve which was leaking. This turned out to be a quick and easy job. After I hooked up the water inlet line it leaked at the connector to the toilet. Eventually I replaced it and then discovered a leak at the floor connector. Not wanting to replace the hose I bought a piece of hose to slide over the bottom connector and put a clamp above and below the leak area. Problem fixed. What a pain to do all of this while boondocking.
We moved yesterday to Bouse and are staying with friends Jack and Judy on their lot. Tomorrow we will watch the Super Bowl and “veg” out.
You are now up to date on all that has happened.