A belated Happy New Year to all. We have been really busy the last week or so……Ha-Ha……NOT. Actually we have been really lazy here at Tehachapi, sleeping late, eating too much, watching football, playing dominos, and setting a very hard 1000 piece puzzle.

We came over on Wednesday with friends Cindy and Gary from the Bay Area after stopping in Ventura for a good Mexican food lunch. We celebrated New Years Eve here with dominos, watching TV, and champagne. Shortly after midnight we were all in bed.
Yesterday we visited a local winery which one wouldn’t think would offer much in the way of acceptable vintages for this area. However, the owners Bob and Patty Souza are very friendly and offer a variety of local wines besides their own Primatevo brand for tasting. The real high light of the day was the cheese plate you can purchase to go with the wine. It included 2 kinds of cheese, a mild summer sausage, crackers, and a variety of bread pieces to dip in olive oil with balsamic vinegar with herbs and parmesan cheese. The cheese plate high lighted the wine tasting. They also sell clothing, jewelry, and seasonal knick knacks. Check the website at www.SouzaFamilyVinyard.com for details.

The Happy Wine Tasting Crew (Clyda, Ed, Budd, Betty, Brenda)