Pictures have been added to yesterday's blog.
I need to make an addition to yesterday’s blog. Wild Rose RV Park west of Hope is a jewel. There are only 51 sites but they can accommodate most sized rigs. The campground filled up by late evening with one-nighters like us. They do have Wi-Fi but it is really slow. I did manage to get my emails and up load the blog but no pictures.
We had a slow rain all afternoon and night but it didn’t really detract from any activities. The campground setting is really, really nice. Behind the campground is a high cliff of pine trees with waterfalls and yesterday the clouds drifted in and out over the trees. Very pretty.
On to today. We left around 8:15 for the drive to Cache Creek. Trans-Canada Hwy 1 follows the Fraser River North to lytton then east to Cache Creek. The Fraser River is really running high right now with all the high country run off. It is muddy looking and has boiling circles of water most of way. Fraser River Canyon is narrow and steep sided and covered with pine trees. There are few settlements along it. The largest between Hope and Lytton is Boston Bar. There are lots of pull-off areas along the highway but the best views are not near a pull-off of course. There are seven tunnels between Hope and Boston Bar, none of which is very long. The railroad follows the river and was quit a feat of engineering in its day.
About 40 km north of Hope is Hells Gate. The river here is squeezed between the canyon walls and boils out in a rush. There is a tram way which takes you down to the river from the highway, for a fee of course. It does not open until 10 AM and we were there before 9:30 so had to pass it by.
From Lytton the hwy leaves the Fraser River and follows the Thompson River. This also is in a canyon but the hills flatten out and the pine trees disappear. It still is a fast moving river but much clearer looking water. There is lots of rafting on the Thompson.
Cache Creek is like the gateway to the north and Alaska. The roads are full of trucks and RV’s both coming and going.
We are staying in Brookside Campsite which has slow WI-Fi also but I hope to upload pictures for the blog.
We took a drive north of town to a produce farm. I think half the people in town were there. They not only sell produce but have a small restaurant which sells home made bread, rolls, cinnamon rolls, pies, and ice cream. The pies unbaked are $12.95 Canadian.
Clyda had a good picture of the ladies making pies but their faces were identifiable so I don't like to post those.
Back to town after refraining from buying anything at the farm, we filled up with Diesel at 101.9 cents per liter. That’s about average so far. Here the diesel pump handles are yellow and the gas pump handles are green. I really need to check each time so I don’t get the wrong one.