The truck tire pressure was still ok this morning so the valve stem must have been the culprit.
The road east to the Ontario border was as bad as the rest of Trans Canada 1 however it was only about 66 miles. We stopped at the Ontario information center and picked up maps, etc. The woods are getting thicker as we head east and lakes are more frequent. An especially notable lake is Lake of the Woods which extends south to the US border. A quick look at a map shows how really big this lake is.
Clyda has been trying for days to get a picture of the Trans Canada Hwy signs and has about 2 dozen so-so shots. This may be the best one.
We left Trans Canada 1 east of Kenora and drove south on Hwy 71 and then Hwy 11 to Fort Francis the Canadian town across the border from International Falls, MN. We waited in line for about 20 minutes to cross. An interesting thing for this crossing is the truck lane. It goes down the railroad tracks to the border and while we were waiting a train came down the tracks and waited behind the trucks. When the trucks cleared the border, the train continued on its way into the USA. A sign on the train said it was “under remote control”.
Taken through the windshield so ignore all the bug spots.
Our crossing was fairly routine. The first question they asked was how many fish we were bringing back. I guess it is a common occurrence here because everyone goes to Canada to fish.
We are staying at Voyageurs RV Park in International Falls. An ok park but no trees and it is hot and muggy. Thank goodness for air conditioning. We spent the afternoon sending a fax to the car insurance company (more paper work), paying bills on-line at the library, checking email, buying groceries (the frig was empty), and buying gas. It was a pleasure to pay $3.05 for diesel. My last fill up in Canada yesterday cost $110 Canadian. With the US dollar and Canadian dollar almost at par, that is a lot of money. I haven’t done the conversions yet so don’t know how bad it really was per gallon.