The heat caught up with us by mid afternoon today. We left a beautiful morning in Banff and traveled to Canmor which is like a bedroom community for Banff. After a quick breakfast at the rest stop, we headed east and out of the Rockies.
We passed through Calgary and I mean right through town as there is no bypass around the city. It was just announced that Calgary is now home to 1 million people. One advantage of going through the city is passing the Olympic ski venue west of town. All of the ski jumps are very near the highway. The mid town section of Trans Canada 1 is being rebuilt so we had construction to contend with for several miles.
Speaking of construction; it goes on all during daylight hours because of the short season. The overtime pay must be tremendous.
East of Calgary the temperatures started climbing until late this afternoon it was 97 degrees. We got to Medicine Hat by 2:30 PM but couldn’t find the campground. The GPS was no help at all in fact it steered us into a residential section of town. Eventually, we found the right street only to find no room in the camp ground because of the Stampede in progress here. We were directed to another RV Park connected to a golf course but the RV in front of us got the last site.
What to do? I needed fuel so we stopped for that which at 91.9 cents per liter still cost $86. Wow!!!! We stopped at a nearby information center to inquire about camping and they directed us to a place east of town next to a golf course. A call on their courtesy phone got us a site. It is near the highway, next to a golf course, and did I mention the train? It is about 300 ft from our RV at the back of the Park. Folks here say not to leave a window open on the track side of the RV during the night because of the noise. The only good thing is there are no crossings near here so no train whistle.
West of Calgary is all farm land then it turns to prairie for some distance before farm land again. The wheat harvest has begun around Calgary but not further west.
We spent the remainder of the afternoon in the air conditioning. Later, we sat outside as it cooled off. I fear the next 2 days will be a repeat of the heat from today.