We left home at 7:30 AM on Tuesday, May 19th and stopped in Fillmore to meet the rest of our traveling companions, Jim and Michelle, and Marcie and George. We drove to Mojave via I-5, Hwy 138, and Hwy 14. After getting fuel we drove to the Coso Junction rest stop and had lunch. An hour’s drive later, we arrived at Diaz Lake about 2 miles south of Lone Pine, CA. Jim had made a reservation for a group site. The site was a “grassy area” on the west side of the lake defined by a posted notice stapled to some cottonwood trees.
After some discussion we managed to park our rigs as near level as we could. A short time later, Chuck and Jan joined us from Kingman, AZ.
The day was very pleasant so we gathered in the shade for conversation and drinks.
We were in no hurry Wednesday morning so everyone was lazy until it was suggested we stop in Lone Pine at the Movie museum which opens at 10 AM.
This was a very pleasant stop with lots of movie memories. A must see for any movie buff.
An hours drive north and we arrived at J Diamond RV Park in Bishop. This is an old park with very small sites for RV’s with slide outs. We all managed to get into our assigned sites however. The remainder of the day was kick back time and moving our chairs to stay in the shade. There is a small stream running through the campground with lots of mallard ducks swimming on it. It also has lots of cottonwood trees which are in bloom. Cottonwood fluff flying everywhere. Clyda has been allergic to this stuff in the past so we are in a wait and see mode.
On Thursday we drove up to the lakes in the Sierras out of town. It was a nice sunny day with a few clouds but no jackets required. We drove to Lake Sabrina which is just beginning to fill from the spring runoff then on to North Lake which is reached by a one lane dirt road with no guard rails. Lots of fisherman in this area.

A trip to South Lake which in the past has had a parking lot full of snow when we last visited it years ago. No snow this time but the lake is still very low as the runoff has just started. We stopped at a picnic area down the road and had a nice lunch with a view.
Friday is a blur. I don’t know what we did. Part of the group went to Laws, CA to the railroad museum to ride the Brill car on a short piece of track.
Saturday morning was the big Mule Days Parade down Main Street which is Hwy 395. They close the road and detour traffic to a side street during the parade which lasts about 2 hours. A very nice parade.
Saturday afternoon we all had tickets to the Mule Days arena show. This was probably the premier show of Mule Days as it featured a 20 mule team hitch which is a delight to watch as they turn in the small arena. Each turn requires 4 mules to jump the main pull chain to keep the wagons following in line.
When the mule hitch was in place, the Budweiser Clydesdales came in. A beautiful horse hitch pulling the traditional beer wagon. They were followed by an eight horse hitch of Black Percherons which absolutely stole the show. They were magnificent to watch. They are such huge animals.
Before the show was over, a wind and rain squall passed over and most of the spectators including us headed home. It never did rain much but the wind was bad.
Today, Sunday, we had a pancake breakfast for about 18 people in our group. Two of us cooked the blueberry pancakes while others did the bacon and fruit salad. A nice breakfast!
It was decided that dinner tonight would be out so a local Mexican restaurant was picked and we all descended on it about 6 PM. Considering our numbers (about 18), the restaurant did a great job.