A whirl-wind week end to be sure. We drove up to Walnut Creek Saturday morning at the invitation of our friends Cindy and Gary. We made a couple of stops on the way. Saturday afternoon was catch up time for the guys while the ladies shopped.
On Sunday morning we were treated to a very nice Mothers Day brunch by our friends who had purchased the brunch at an auction at their grand daughters school.
On Monday we drove to Sacramento and toured Sutter’s Fort. A two hour tour with people playing the roles of pioneers refreshed our knowledge of early California history.
Shooting a flint lock gun.
Later we drove to the capitol and managed to get a tour of the Senate and Assembly rooms plus older refurbished rooms. Neither Clyda nor I had been to the capitol before.
In the capitol rotunda with Queen Isabella.
The capitol exterier.
On Tuesday we drove into San Francisco early to Golden Gate Park and The Academy of California Sciences. Our friends knew the routine as they are members of the academy so we quickly got tickets to the Planetarium Show and tickets to the 3D Bug Show. The planetarium show was awesome. The seats were tilted back at a 30 degree angle for easy viewing. The latest satellite images were incorporated in the show. What a great view of the universe. It is as if you are flying through space.
In the tropical zone.
Roof of the Academy building in all of it's green glory.
When the building started filling with school kids we walked over to the de Young Museum of Fine Arts for lunch. Later we toured the Warhol exhibit before returning to the Academy building to see more displays.
The de Young Museum.
The California Academy of Science.
Wednesday we left for home but stopped in Paso Robles to checkout the status of Dick’s railroad.
We got home at 8 PM.
Today I started cleaning up the RV and dumping the tanks. I need it ready to leave next Tuesday.