My 10 days at Ranchero Visitadores is over and we have come north to Walnut Creek to visit friends for a few days. The time at Visitadores went by fairly fast with few problems. We do deal with issues as they come up but most are deferred to our boss or the General Manager.
We did have a change from last year in that all check-in was done at our gate and all passes and credentials handed out by another crew just inside the gate. It had been anticipated that problems from excessive traffic would be encountered but this never materialized. Things flowed very nicely.
My RV in the background.
Working the gate wearing our new security vests.
On Monday afternoon a fire started behind Santa Barbara which was visible from our gate area and also caused some concern for those folks living in the area. We were under the flight path for fire fighting aircraft and helicopters as they traveled to and from Santa Maria where a retardant base had been established.
Fortunately, the fire didn’t come over the pass but the road was closed to traffic. To get home I had to make a round-about trip.
Saturday morning we drove to Walnut Creek for a short visit with friends and will return home on Wednesday in time to get ready for our trip to Seattle.