Back on-line at last! My laptop quit again with the same symptoms so it looks like I may have wasted $139 on the new battery. I just put it aside as we traveled north until I could find a replacement. That happened yesterday when I purchased an Acer Net book, the 10.1 inch version. I have spent most of the day setting it up. Actually it hasn’t been too bad so far.
I am missing some photos as they are on the old laptop. I can recover them later from the hard drive so they are not lost forever but I don't have them for the blog. I also miss my re-sizer for reducing the pixels on my photos. I need to search the web for that.
A quick synopsis of our trip since my last post is in order. From Tionesta, CA we drove to Collier State Park north of Klamath Falls, OR for 2 days while we visited Diamond Lake and Crater Lake. Lots of snow at Crater lake.
The next stop was Bend, OR at the Elks club where we ate dinner and celebrated someone’s birthday and even got a piece of the birthday cake. Nice, friendly folks.
Next we camped at Peach Beach, WA, one of our favorite spots because of the fruit stand nearby. Alas, no ripe fruit at this time but the wind did blow up the Columbia Gorge all day.
We moved to Toppenish, WA and the Yakima Nation Indian Casino campground for two days. Toppenish is the town of Murals. Every available wall in town has a mural painted on it. While here visited a few wineries which are doing very well. How about visiting your local winery riding your horse? Maybe you won’t get a ticket if you drink too much while riding your horse.

From Toppenish we moved north of Cle Elum and camped with our friend George at Cle Elum Lake while he work camped as a campground host and maintenance man. George drove us around to all the campgrounds he works at (five) and then I rode with him for 2 days and helped getting the campgrounds ready for the summer rush. We had the most beautiful camp site on the lake. What a front yard. Notice how high the water is?

After 4 days we drove to Maple Grove RV Resort at the south end of Everett, WA for a 6 weeks stay while Clyda’s sister Candi has radiation and chemo therapy for cancer. We will provide a place for her to stay during the week during her treatments.
On Sunday we attended our nieces college graduation from Seattle University with a BS in Diagnostic Ultrasound. She was bummed that she missed graduating with honors by .02 points but as we all reminded her, SHE HAS A JOB! It was a great day!
The Graduate with her mother and father and her brother.

Dawn with Clyda and I.

Dawn and her boy friend Matt.