Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers. I called my dad today who is 96 and slowly failing. He spends most of the day sitting in his chair as his hips and legs are giving him problems. Both my sons called to wish me a Happy Fathers Day. I really enjoy that. I received a gift from son Tim wrapped in plotter paper with a topographical map on it. One of his favorite wrappings. Appropriate for a geo tech. The gift left me a little puzzled but I am sure there is an explanation. When the boys were young, we played a card game called Mille Bornes. I received the original game we played for fathers day which also had an original score sheet included. I will wait for the explanation.
Yesterday we went to Fry’s Electronics in Renton and I purchased an LG DVD/CD burner. I burned a back-up of the Acer operating system, listened to a music CD, and looked at a DVD movie. I haven’t burned a CD yet but will soon as I want to put all the photos from the graduation ceremony last weekend on it.
After Fry’s we stopped at a few wineries (Chateau Ste Michelle and J. Bookwalter) in Woodinville. Chateau Ste Michelle is large and sprawling and has huge very old trees on the property. The Woodinville area has dozens of wineries and I am sure we will be back again to visit more as it is close by.
Today I went to a local church about 15 minutes away. There are several Catholic churches nearby and I may try them over the next several weeks.
After a nice pancake and bacon breakfast, we drove to a nearby Safeway store for grocery shopping., a necessary chore every few days due to the limited space in the refer.
In an earlier post I mentioned the close spacing of the RV sites in this park. Someone on the internet was complaining about the same thing but the photos he showed were not even close to our situation. I am not sure you can see how tight this spot is. There are trees on both sides up against the rig. I had to push the rig back exactly so the tree on the door side wouldn’t interfere with the water heater or the refer vent. Touchy!