I missed a few days of posting. Not much new going on here. Every day Clyda and Candi leave shortly after 9 AM for Candi’s treatment . Depending on traffic, it takes about ½ hour for the drive. They are usually back around noon.
Today I went with them and sat in the lobby and read the paper and my book. When Candi was through, we drove east of Seattle on I-90 to Snoqualmie to see the falls. There is still lots of water going over the falls and the noise is loud enough to make the viewing platform shake. We checked out the upscale Salish Lodge(http://www.salishlodge.com ). Our friends Cindy and Gary’s daughter used to work here years ago. We had a picnic lunch at a table in the park associated with the falls then drove north to Monroe and back to the RV Park. We stopped at DQ for a small treat and finished up by doing some grocery shopping.
Candi and Clyda at Snoqualmie Falls overlook.
Salish Resort next to Snoqualmie Falls.
This is an interesting RV Park as they have had two large 5th wheels parked in front of the office for the last 2 weeks. The RV’s are actually in the road, sort of. One was moved today to a site across from us as it has been sold and the people will move in tomorrow. My truck has been parked next to the office in what are overflow parking spaces. Today I was asked to move my truck tomorrow as they are going to park the other 5th wheel there. No offer was made as to where I could park my truck. For this weekend, it will fit in my site but I’m not sure where we will park Candi’s car on Sunday. I’ll wait and see if there is any place left next to the office.
Update on the Acer Net Book Computer: So far the Net Book is doing fine. The keyboard takes some getting used to as the keys are smaller. Lots of mistakes in typing but spell check takes care of those. I have used the LG GP08 DVD/CD burner I bought to burn DVD’s, CD’s, watch a DVD movie and listen to a music CD . I bought a Logitech wireless Mouse which I love. The touch pad was fine but both Clyda and I prefer the Mouse. From my working days using an Engineering Work Station which extensively used right Mouse clicks for action items, I am hooked on the mouse.
I have avoided downloading too many applications as I don’t want to slow down this machine, however, there are some things I still need to put on it. I want Open Office for word processing. I will delete Microsoft Office which is a trail version after I get Open Office installed.
I did download the Image Resizer from Microsoft which allows you to resize a photo with a right mouse click in any application. This is really handy when you are inserting photos within text such as within Blogger when I am doing the blog.