Monday was granddaughter Ivy’s 8th birthday. We were on hand for the opening of presents. None were very large or expensive but she loved them all. After the present opening we went to breakfast at the place of Ivy’s choice, Denny’s, where she had an “alien” pancake. It’s on the menu, honest!
Dinner was at Texas Roadhouse, again Ivy’s choice, where she had sirloin tips. The rest of us had way to much good food. We ate the leftovers last night.
Tuesday, Clyda and I watched Matthew while Diane took Ivy for a routine doctor’s appointment. After dinner we played games with the kids.
Diesel fuel Tuesday at my favorite (cheapest) station was $1.63 per gallon so I filled my two spare cans.
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. The kids are busy today and tonight so Clyda and I stayed at the RV Park most of the day. We did run some errands which involved going to a used book store and an Ace hardware store to find a switch for one of our lights. No luck however as the switch has to fit into the light fixture and none I have found so far will work. I replaced a cord in one of our blinds which had frayed. This it the second blind that needed work since we bought this rig. It does take some patience to restring. I have instructions which show how to do it.
Diesel fuel today was $1.77 per gallon. I guess they are trying to make up for yesterday’s cheap price.