Happy Valentines Day to all!
I hate not having internet while on the road!!!!! No internet-no blog!
We are now in Fredericksburg, Texas after traveling lots of miles this past week. Our friends Budd and Brenda joined us in Bouse last Sunday. After happy hour at John and Connie’s on Sunday, we left Monday morning and traveled together to Gila Bend, AZ. Budd and Brenda went to Ajo to see friends and we went to Casa Grande and the Elks club for two days to visit Clyda’s cousin Rodney and his wife Claralyn. We also saw our friend George from the WIN’s again.
On Wednesday we headed for Deming, NM and joined up with Budd and Brenda East of Tucson. We spent the night in Deming where the temperature was nice and balmy instead of the usual cold and wind we are used to until Thursday morning, which was cooolllddddd.
Thursday we stopped in El Paso and had lunch with our neighbor’s son Evan who lives there. It was a short but nice visit. We continued on to Balmorhea State Park East of Van Horn, Texas. This is a really unique area which has a very large swimming pool which is spring fed at 1 million gal per hour and is 25 feet deep. The campground has full hookups plus cable TV. It is a really nice stop in West Texas.
Fridays drive ended in Fredericksburg, TX. We had called for reservations and got the last two sites in over flow. We have water and electricity for now and will move to regular sites on Sunday.
Today being Valentines day means the town is crowded with tourists. We had breakfast at the German bakery, our favorite. Great German pancakes. Later we visited the Nimitz Museum. The museum is being remodeled and 41,000 square feet added. They hope to have it ready for a December 7th opening.
Here is a sunset from last week.