Well…….We are still in Fredericksburg. We extended for one day as it is raining in Austin and the roads are a mess according to the TV.
The word for the year is “Change” right? Well things are changing here also.
Here is what we have been doing this week. On Sunday we drove to Luckenbach which normally only has a few people looking around or having a beer in the bar. Well…..it was different this time because of the Valentines Day Hug In. Lots of people around, a walkup bar setup outside, a food stand open, and an outdoor stage being readied for a band. We stayed around and listened to some pretty good country music, had lunch, and a long neck Lone Star to wash it down.
The Old post office, now a general store.
Inside the bar back of the post office.
Clyda looks good in a cowboy hat.
Ed and Clyda and Budd and Brenda inside the famouse dance hall.
We also drove out to Becker, a winery we last visited years ago. Things have changed here also. Visitors now come by the bus load, stretched limo, or stretched Hummer. The cost is $5 for six samples and is served from a long makeshift bar outside on the patio under an overhang. The bar is set on wine barrels with multiple servers to pour your choice. A chocolate bar and a nut bar are nearby with a musical trio for background. It is obvious that the Austin glitterati have found the Fredericksburg wine country and it is paying off for the owners.
On Monday we drove to the LBJ Ranch for a tour. Last time we were here the tour was by bus. Now, with the passing of Lady Bird Johnson, you are given a CD to play and you drive your own vehicle. It actually works out well as you can spend as much time as you want. The only cost is $1 per person at the ranch house for a tour of LBJ’s recently opened office. Later, more of the house will be opened.
Trio of us standing on the LBJ Ranchhouse front porch.
Johnson family cemetary. LBJ's is the taller headstone.
Last night we ate at the Auslander restaurant for a good German dinner. It was as good as the last time we ate there.
Today is a kickback day with a few more places to visit before we leave tomorrow.