We are still at Bouse sponging off our friends Jack and Judy. Well, not exactly sponging. We just have so many things to do that it is hard to leave. We do have a departing date scheduled so that is progress.
Yesterday the guys, five of us, loaded ATV’s on a trailer and spent the day checking out old mines and back roads. We didn’t do to good on the mines as someone was grading a new road in preparation to reopening the mine so we couldn’t go in. The price of gold has many thinking about mining but the environmental laws are such that all but the wealthiest or large companies are kept from mining.
All loaded and ready to go.
I look like the helmet is pushing my head down.
Today was cinnamon roll day. Connie emailed all the people who are friends from Desert Gold RV where we once wintered to come at 10 AM for fresh baked cinnamon rolls. It is really nice to see everyone again even though we are all older and some have medical problems to numerous to mention. Thanks Connie for the rolls and the chance to see everyone and share a few laughs.
Yesterday was BP day here. I flew the big BP flag I have for the first time. It was just too big for my old flag pole. I also wore a BP chambry shirt and my BP hat.
I finally rolled out the awning to dry it out. It did have some moisture in it and also the start of some mold. A few minutes in the wind and it was dry.
Last week while we camped on Plamosa Road Clyda started knitting a shawl. She dropped a stitch after a few rows which resulted in this!
Looks like a cats cradle to me!