Before I bring this blog up to date, I have added new photos to the last entry about Luckenbach, TX so please take a look at them.
We are in Houston, TX at Traders Village our usual stopping place here. The camper park is fairly full. We are already immersed in the grandkids activities.
We left Fredericksburg on Tuesday and drove to McKinney Falls State Park southwest of Austin. Tim had recommended this park to us and it turned out to be a nice park as well as ideally located for our Austin Visit. We visited the falls which because of lack of rain were very small but interesting from all the limestone formations in the river bottom. We also checked out the old Homestead and grist mill sites.
On Thursday we went to look at the property we bought back in March. Getting around Austin requires patience and fortitude, neither of which I have an abundance of. We did manage to find the property and introduced ourselves to Stephanie who showed us around the property. Work has started on upgrading the decking and stairways. Later this year new roofing will be done and the parking areas sealed. All of this cost big bucks but is necessary.
I am mystified by Austin diesel fuel prices. I saw prices from $1.78 all the way up to $2.59 just in a half hours drive. What’s with that?
Friday was a drive day to Houston. No problems and we arrived about 1:30 PM.
Saturday was a full day of kid’s activities starting about 9 AM with Ivy’s soccer match and Matthew’s pinewood derby race at his church. As soon as Ivy was done with soccer she had a rain gutter regatta sail boat race at the same church as Matthew’s pinewood derby was held. Matthew meanwhile went to soccer practice. We finished the day playing card games.
Ivy playing goalie with her new gloves while dad, Tim, coaches.
Playing photographer when not in the game.
Look at the blonde "Barbie" on the boat.
Matthew at the keyboard. He is very good.
Sunday was church and later Matthew had an indoor soccer game. The game turned into practice as the other team didn’t show up. Indoor soccer is fun to watch as it is fast and the ball is never out of bounds as the wall is in play.
Later we ordered pizza for us and the kids while Tim and Dianne went to a movie.
Oh by the way, diesel fuel this morning here in Houston has about the same range as Austin. I filled up for $1.71 per gallon. Yippeeee!!!!!! I doubt if it will last.