Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Winter trip finally

 So, does anyone still read this stuff?

It seems most people have stopped blogging. I think some folks started to blog while they were traveling about the country as a way to keep family and friends up to date or as a record of their travels and adventures. However, with the pandemic, many people hunkered down and lost the desire to post anything. After all, what was there to write about when you don’t do much for days on end.

I admit there was a tendency on my part to do that as evidenced by my not posting since December. But we still have been doing something, not just pulling into our shell and watching the world go by.

I still spend way too much time on my computer, and we have been gone for 6 weeks to Arizona this winter. We left on January 18th for several days in Quartzsite and a trip to the Big Tent for the RV show with several friends. We all meet in a BLM area and circle the wagons so to speak. Good food, good company and a few campfires while we are there.

Four of the couples moved on to Yuma where we visited a car museum called Clouds. The guys name is Cloud and he has 400 Model T’s from 1926/1927 plus lots of other rusty stuff. It’s easy to waste several hours here looking at everything. Of course us old timers remember lots of the “Rusty Stuff “ from our childhood.

We later visited a date farm and had a date shake which turned out to be our lunch for the day. A very good date shake I might add. I bought an 11 pound box of dates for a pittance compared to the normal price and shared it between 3 of us.

We visited Los Algodones Mexico one day. It is just across the border from Yuma and is the place to go for drugs at a cheap price. The line to return in the late morning can be hours long so we came back early to avoid that. We had lunch at Linn’s a Chinese buffet in Yuma one day. Well worth it and we will go back if we are ever in the area again.

We moved on to Ajo, Arizona a small town once owned by a copper company. While there we made a day trip to Organ Pipe National Monument.

From there we camped on the West side of Tucson for 6 days and spent 2 days visiting the Gem and Mineral show which was spread over 71 venues this year. It is something to see. We visited Tubac, an artists community South of Tucson and the Titan Missile silo in Green Valley. This is always of interest to me as Delco Electronics built the Inertial Measurement Unit for the Titan and the cabinets in the Launch Control Center have a plaque with that on it. Side note: I worked on the last ground support upgrade for the Titan way back when. It was decommissioned shortly after the upgrade was completed.

From Tucson we moved on to Casa Grande and the Gourd Festival for 5 days. I don’t do gourds, at least not recently but we do enjoy being there.

While everyone moved on separately from there, Clyda and I drove South of Tucson to Sierra Vista to visit our Niece Dawn and her family. We spent a week with them, parked in their yard. We had a very enjoyable visit.

We headed towards home with a stop in Gila Bend at the Elks club one night then Quartzsite again to have the brakes on the trailer checked at RV Lifestyles. While the brakes were being checked we visited our neighbors Paul and Kathy for lunch. They were camped with a friend on his lot in Quartzsite.

The trailer was done early enough in the day so we decided to drive to Indio for the night and stay at Spotlight 29 Casino in their parking lot. Not ideal but free. The next day we drove home through the desert which I haven’t done that route since the kids were little and we would go to Joshua Tree National Park.

While we are home our days consist of weeding the garden and yard, and I still work Saturdays at the Elks club splitting and selling firewood. Keeps me off the streets. As to this summer, well who knows. We would like to visit family and friends in Oregon and Washington but fuel prices being what they are, it may not be feasible. We also would like to make a trip to Wisconsin at some point as it has been 3 or 4 years since I have done that. We’ll see.