Friday, March 21, 2008

Visiting Friends

Location, Home

Wow, a whole week since I last posted! We received our taxes back from the preparer and actually are getting double the amount back over what was projected. Very nice!

We had friends from Oregon to dinner on Tuesday evening. Dick and Sandy are doing their annual swing through the desert southwest and spent two days in our area. We dropped by their rig which was parked at the local Elks club on Wednesday where I tried to help repair the electrical cable between the RV and tow car. The cable was so stiff that it would pull out of the socket, drag on the ground, and wear through the wires. We replaced a connector on one end and added about 3 feet of cable so there was no strain on the connectors while driving. However, we could not get power to the left turn light nor to the tail lights. We checked every fuse in the rig which are located in three different places but could not find the problem. They took the RV to a repair shop on Wednesday and four hours and $400 later they were good to go. There were multiple problems with the RV and the tow car which had to be fixed.

I got back to my roots today as in digging more roots. I have about 10 more feet of flower bed to do and it is all solid roots. Really slow going. It should keep me out of trouble for a few more days anyway.