Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting things ready.

Location, Home, CA

In the last blog entry I talked about the mulch I had put on the front yard beds. Well, I really hadn’t planned on the “pungent” odor from the decomposing plant material which accompanied the mulch. The odor will go away in a few days but I supposed the neighbors are not too pleased with me in the meantime.

I have been getting everything ready for Visitadores over the weekend. All those little things that need to be done with the RV, the food, etc, which helps make a successful trip. Fortunately, I keep a list from year to year so I know how much of everything I need to take. I also keep a record of what food I get and what I served for each meal. I don’t have a lot of control over the food I am given but I do submit a list of what I would like to have and the quantities I need. Sometimes it turns out ok and sometimes not. We don’t go hungry no matter what we are given. I am only cooking for 4 people so usually I can wing it with a little prior planning.

I fueled the truck today and then stopped at the local “big box” store for some of the bigger items I need like paper plates, eggs, and chicken to tide us over until the camp supplies us with food.

Later, I loaded all the old termite wood from the fence and the plum trees to burn at Visitadores on to the truck. It makes quit a load. Tomorrow morning Craig and I will load a lawn mower, weed whacker, gas, and some drinking water and go over the mountain to where I will work and mow the grass. I found that mowing before we get there makes it much easier on us while we work. The foxtails especially can be a problem as they get into our shoes.