Sunday, February 5, 2012

Truck repair complete.

Location, Bouse, AZ

I picked the truck up on Thursday morning from the Ford Garage in Parker. They had worked on it all day Wednesday and called me mid-morning that the wires in the steering column were chaffed and they had to pull the steering wheel to fix them. That is a 4 hour job according to the flat rate book. They did complete the job by late Wednesday without finding any thing else wrong. The bill wasn’t as bad as it could have been.

Friday we went to the Arts and Craft show at Tyson Wells. Not a large amount of venders. Most had already left for the season. We found a few things on Clyda’s list and I found a few things of no consequence.

Today Connie next door, made her famous cinnamon rolls for all the neighbors. It is the one time that Clyda and I get to see all our old friends from here and Desert Gold RV Park where we used to stay all those many years ago. All the work by Connie is much appreciated as is the fabulous cinnamon rolls.

The group here has Cocktail Time at 4:30 every afternoon. The location gets rotated among the group each day. After cocktails, we have dinner then usually site around a fire in Jack’s wood stove (a barrel set on end) until it gets too cold. All this depends on how bad the wind is blowing. If it blows, no cocktails and no fire.