Monday, July 14, 2008

If you play, you must pay!

Location, At home, CA

You know the saying “If you play, you must pay”. Well, today I did, pay that is. After 2 weeks or so of “play” time in Mammoth, today it was back to the old grind. I started the day off with my usual walk. I ran into a lady who I see every day when I walk and she stopped to ask me if I had walked during the fire. I told her I was out of town the whole time and she said this was the first day she has walked because of the smoke and ash. She said it “felt like getting out of prison” after all the time cooped up in her house.

After breakfast I washed the truck and then went to the UPS store to send the camera off for repair. With a stop at Trader Joes for a few items and the bank to deposit some checks, I was home fairly quickly. The big task today was fence board painting. I set up the saw horses and loaded it up with boards.

After lunch I started and finished painting all sides by 3:30 this afternoon. While the final side was drying I cleaned the RV refrigerator and dumped the holding tanks. Whew!!!!!!! I am tired.

Clyda had gone grocery shopping and picked up a couple of nice steaks for dinner. A few minutes on the grill and “good eats” as Elton Brown would say.

I am scanning the internet RV websites to see what I missed while we were gone. Lots of folks in Alaska right now regardless of the fuel prices. We don’t have another trip planned with the rig until Oct I think and that will be a short one. I do still plan on the annual desert trip this fall. It is costly but what the heck, we’ll stay home when the money runs out.