Friday, September 5, 2008


Location, At Home, CA

I have been too busy and most nights too tired to update this journal on a regular basis.

First an update on Clyda. A week after they put a cast on and the Grandkids and a few friends had signed it, they removed it. She also had her staples removed from the surgery. In place of a cast she now has a large black walking boot. Of course she can’t use it to walk for some time yet but it does allow her to adjust the tightness of the boot for comfort. This thing is all Velcro straps so there is a lot of adjustment available.

In general, she is still in bed most of the time as weight on her leg causes pain when she stands up. She can go to the bathroom, wash herself, etc, with the aid of crutches. We are working on how to get her in the shower with the aid of a plastic chair.

On another note: the grandkids and their parents spent 3 days last week at Disney Land before flying home on Saturday. We miss having the kids here. The 2 weeks just flew by.

On September 3rd I celebrated my 69th birthday. The night before, I took a large chocolate sheet cake to the Elks club for our table to eat. Of course there was a lot left over even though we had 12 members at the table. On my birthday I attended a retiree’s meeting which had two purposes. We had a speaker giving us the latest info on Medicare and also the 3 year project to produce a history of Delco Systems was completed and the books were ready to pick up. It is a great book about all the activities we participated in and accomplished since 1961 until the doors were finally closed on the last project in 2004. I worked there for almost 32 years from September 1963 until June 1995 when I retired.

For my birthday son Tim and wife Diane got me an 8 GB Apple Ipod Nano to store all my CD’s on. A chance statement I made while they were here is what prompted them to send one my way I am sure. Thanks Tim and Diane. It is a great present. I hope to use it to store all my music and then play through a transmitter to any radio. My first excursion into the mysteries of this tiny little box was indeed daunting but I figured that millions of people, some with less smarts than myself, have made them work so I should be able to also. It has been a learning experience but I now have several albums loaded from CD’s to my computer and into the Ipod. It will take some time to load all of them.