Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day weekend.

Location, Dorchester, WI

As a Labor Day to remember, so far this is one to forget as the weather has not cooperated. It has rained off and on, and now turned chilly as a cold front has moved south with the rain.

I doesn’t really bother us as we had no plans for the weekend that weather can interrupt.

Friday afternoon we (Judy & Art, Clyda & I, and Ray) met in Ma’s room before we all went to dinner. We ate at Allison’s which is a large facility in Abbotsford and can seat lots of people. We all had the seafood buffet which has more than just seafood. Brother Dennie and wife Jeanette joined us after getting off work. We were seated in a large room which was quiet and allowed us to talk for a long time after eating. It will be the only time we all get together while we are here.

On Saturday, Clyda made chicken soup which we took to assisted living and ate in the recreation room with Ma. We also invited Ma’s sister Beatrice who lives nearby in very nice senior housing. It was a nice lunch and a nice visit with Beatrice.