Monday, September 12, 2011

Tire problems taken care of, for now.

Location, Sidney, NE

Sidney, Nebraska, home of Cabela’s, the out door store. In fact, we are camped in their RV Park. Full hookups, cable TV, and free WiFi. Very nice!

Tires were the problem of the day. I got an early call from the shop that answered our Good Sam call on Saturday telling me that they couldn’t find tires for me. Now what to do? Back to the internet of course. I called Big “O” Tire to see what they had in stock. They had 4 tires in stock but an off brand. That’s the problem with having tire problems on the road.

Eventually I drove the rig to Big “O” which was way on the north end of Kearney while the interstate was way on the south side. They had 4 Commodore tires in the size I previously had on the rig. I kept the old spare, which I had put on before we left home, as the spare. It still has lots of tread.

Tires will always be a problem I guess. I would like to go up to Load Range G but that requires new rims as my rims are only good for 80 PSI. Must look into that though.