Thursday, June 14, 2007

Running errands

Location, Home in CA

I ran a few errands this morning. One of the things I needed to do was check all of the flower bed sprinklers. It has been some time since I had looked at them and anyone who has sprinklers knows they need periodic attention. I found several problems and of course, my supply of spare parts was low, hence a trip to the hardware store this morning. All of my lawn and most of my flower beds are on sprinklers with timers. This allows us to be gone for extended periods. Plants may not get the best care but they will survive.

I turned on the refrigerator in the RV this morning. It gets cold really fast so this afternoon I loaded the freezer with food. We take a variety of frozen food with us and usually it is whatever we have on hand. Of course, we plan on stopping at a few Costco’s along the way. I even printed out a list of Costco stores in cities we plan to pass through.

Our travels will be mostly through places we have already been with a few exceptions. I will point those out as we travel. I find it a little more relaxing to start a trip if I am familiar with the route. Once we have a few days on the road and settled in to a routine, then new routes don’t bother me.