Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Just Driving

Location, Fort Sumner, NM

The coolest morning we have had in quit some time with the temperature at 59 degrees. We got the rig ready to go then went to the park office where we were served free pancakes and coffee. Eggs and bacon cost $1 each. We still managed to leave around 9 AM.

Our route today continued north on Hwy 87 Lamesa, then north on 137 to Brownfield where we switched to Hwy 385 to by-pass Lubbek. From there we took Hwy 84 to Clovis and Fort Sumner, New Mexico.

The temperature remained at 74 degrees for most of the drive but eventually climbed to 84 later in the day.

Valley View RV Park in Fort Sumner had once been a mobile home park and still had mobiles in part of it. The sites were all pull thrus and long so we didn’t un-hitch for the night. There was good cable TV which helped pass the time.

My laptop quit while Clyda was using it. After trying several things, it seems it may be over heating. I tried it later with it raised higher off the table and that seemed to help. I don’t need PC problems right now. No WiFi so the blog didn’t get posted.